Monday, March 5, 2012

Bunny Dear - flipping

After months of practicing, Bunny Dear finally flip by himself at 5 months, 4 days old,9:00pm.

He was lying on the floor where i usually changed him. I leave him there after changing him to his sleeping attire. It's the first time seeing him trying so hard to flip. It's such a historical moment for both hubby and me. We are so happy to see him finally succeeded in doing so.

Good job bunny dear. Mommy have to be more careful now that you can flip.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bunny Dear 5 Months Milestone

Bunny Dear is officially 5 months old today.

Height: 65cm
Weight: 7.6kg

Milk Consumption: 6 times a day 5.5ounce each
Will start him on solid anytime how as he is getting hungry faster nowadays (less than 3 hours intervals)

Poo Pooing on average once in 2 days using potty.
Uses an average of 3-4 cloth diapers during day time and 1 disposable diaper at night (to clear out my stock)

Smiling and 'talking' a lot.
Very active but still reluctant to turn over.
Fancy his all time favourite "chicken drumstick" anytime, anywhere
Prefer to sit up rather than sleeping on the bouncer/mattress

Bunny dear had been very fuzzy recently. Not sure whether is due to teething issues. Just hope that he can cope with it really soon!

Fuzzy bunny makes mad mummy. >_<