Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Refused to Sleep

18 May 2010

Baby is having a sleep time routine since few months back. She will goes to her room around 9:30pm. Clean up and changed, take her 4 ounce of milk and read her story books. I will usually hand her her pacifier, switch on the bedside light and off the main bedroom light and sing her to sleep around 10:30pm.

Today was one of those nights where baby refused to sleep. She cry like mad and cling on to me when i switch off the bedroom light. She starts pointing to the switch, requesting for me to turn it on. After i do so, she pointed to the small bedside light and requested me to switch it off! After that, she points to her books and request for one. She stops crying after i did what she wanted.

How smart and demanding she had grown up to be!

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