Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Little Moo Moo had started the pacifier during sleep time when she is merely 3 months old. She is currently using the one from Pigeon. She is supposed to be on Step 3 now but the transition from Step 2 to Step 3 just doesn't work!

I had tried to introduced her to the Step 3 pacifier when she is about 12 months old. Whenever i put it in her mouth, the pacifier will slip out of her mouth naturally as if it just can't stay fix to her mouth. After a few try, Little Moo Moo were stuck with Step 2 since then.

Throughout the past 12 months, little Moo Moo had since munch on not less than 4 Step 2 pacifier. I tried to switched her to Step 3 again last month but it still doesn't works.

I am planning to wean her off the pacifier soon and i had to do it fast as her addiction to the pacifier seems to be getting severe recently. I had been reminding her these days that the current pacifier will be the last one for her. If she broke it again, she will not be allowed to get a replacement anymore.

She knows that i will take her pacifier away from her every morning when she is drinking her milk with her milk bottle. Nowadays, she will hide the pacifier behind her back when drinking her milk. She will resume back her pacifier sucking when she is finished with her milk. I will then have to con her to hand out the pacifier by offering her daily does of Vitamin C.

Any of the mothers out there have a good idea to share?

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