Thursday, April 7, 2011

Potty Training

I know a lot of parents out there started to potty train their children when they are still at their infant stage. I started that too with Little Moo Moo when she is merely 2 months old. I can still remember how big the potty is as compared to her tiny little butt.

Something happens in between (which me and even the baby sitter cannot recall) and Little Moo Moo had stopped using the potty when she learns to walk.

Both me and baby sitter had try numerous ways to encourage Moo Moo to use the potty again but ended up being disappointed. When she starts to walk, she will hide in a corner whenever she wants to poo. She will poo in her diapers and will only comes out from her hideout/corner when she is done with her big business.

During the last week, Little Moo Moo had suddenly agreed to be diaperless during day time. She had been diaperless for the past 1 week and only wears her diapers for afternoon nap and bedtime. Whenever she wants to use the potty, she will run towards me and tell me about her needs even when we are out shopping last weekend. She will pull down her pants and sit on the potty all by herself and will always end her business with a big smile on her face.

Although its just a small milestone, I felt so proud of my little girl. It's really true that one need not have to rush to potty trained a child. When the time comes, the child will automatically grow out of their diapers.

Good job my girl, good job indeed. Mommy is so proud of you.

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